Thursday, August 31, 2006

Friday Discussion Response

Reflect on Friday's discussion, the following prompts, and any student comments added before yours. The prompts are intended to inspire and guide responses, but you do not have to answer them. Any thoughtful reflection is fine.

Prompt 1: On Friday, we briefly discussed both environmental issues and the war in Iraq. We treated the subjects as two different, unconnected issues. Are they disconnected or can you make links between the two issues? How does the environment impact war and how does war impact the environment?

Prompt 2: What is a more pressing issue for the world to face? Environmental catastrophes or terrorism and war? What about for the United States?

Prompt 3: Reflect on the discussions themselves. Which type of discussion did you like better (consensus building or silent teacher)? What worked and what did not work about the discussions? Honesty is much appreciated.


Blogger Lizz said...

For Prompt one...

Was does effect the envorimoent, to a certan extent. We use bombs, we blow up people, cars, buildings and the earth, leaving debre scattered everywhere. War and the enviroment can be considered an equal part of the peoblem, weather its the physical aspect or the mental enviroment, weather its the earth we walk upon or the home were brought up in, it can cause us to react in different ways, during different times.

Prompt 2

Terrorism and war are an issue due to the massive loss of lives, caused by another humanbeing, enviromental catastrophes arnt something caused by humans (not in the long run but yea, its more like we have control over war and what happens in the end who wins and who loses, in an enviromental catastrophy, no one really wins...everyone loses, many die, and its truely no ones fault due to the fact that they were seriously in the wrong place at the wrong time, (innocent bystandards in wars as well as people trapped in an enviromental issue)....for the United states, well at the current moment in time enviromental catastrophes seem to be the biggest issues with i believe to be the most devistating deaths..but thats just my opinion..

10:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's actually a matter of money. It would cost us billkions to reform the country to cut down on CO2 emissions, and a lot of companies involed aren't willing to do that.
Then there is war, equally expensive, but we're far more willing to spend money on kiling people for the greater good than fixing the environment.
Although war is a big deal, the environmental issues are not to be taken lightly.

7:27 PM  
Blogger Mr. Johnston said...

Great job so far, everyone. Two quick things:
1. Try to respond directly to what your peers say.
2. You may make a second comment if you want!

10:22 PM  
Blogger landon32 said...


As of right now i beleive we can have a focus on both war/terrorism and environmental problems. Not everyone has to work on the same problems facing our country at the same time. We have the technology to fight a war and have scientists working on the environment at the same time. This is assuming that every nation is at war with someone and this isnt the case. I think the United States definately needs to fight both problems at the same time. As our scientists work on the environment the nation has to be safe... or else they cant do there job.

12:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am mostly in agreement with Sam. It is much more important for the world to cooperate together on the current environmental issues, rather than focusing our efforts on the matter of terrorism. Environmental effects are long lasting, while terror effects are momentary. As of right now, the death count in Iraq has reached about 20,000 over the past four years. In comparison, the Tsunami that occurred in India in 2004 had over 56,000 deaths, and hurricane Katrina of 2005 had a death toll of around 1,400 people. That's almost three times the number of deaths in almost half the time. Obviously, the environment is a much more pressing issue in terms of safety compared to the war on terrorism in Iraq. Therefore, I believe that our efforts should be much more focused on conservation and environmental matters.

2:09 PM  
Blogger Trevor said...

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3:35 PM  
Blogger Trevor said...

#2 Trevor W.

It is nice to know that some people share the same views as myself. I feel both war/terrorism and the environment are very important issues facing the world. I believe war/terrorism and the environment are equally important problems that need to be solved. War/terrorism and environmental problems can be tackled at the same time. Rusty said, "This is assuming that every nation is at war with someone and this isnt the case." I agree with him and believe that nations fighting wars have the ability to tackle environmental problems, and nations not in the mist of war can focus more in depth against environmental issues. The United States has the ability to face war/terrorism and environmental issues at the same time. Not everyone needs to be focused on just one problem. Different people can attack both problems. I feel that it is vital for the success of the United States and the world to fight against both problems with equal amount of force.

3:50 PM  

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