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Mr. Johnston
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Research Paper: Book Selection
Students- Pick your book asap and get a copy of it asap! I will give you time to read the book on both Thursday and Friday. It would be wonderful if everyone had a copy of the book by then! Thanks, Mr. J.
hey so Mr J. what exactly is the whole purpose of the research paper and book..i dont get it fully...(i get the we need a book to read and we have to do a paper) but whats the purpose?
a) to allow students to demonstrate that they have become quality thinkers, independent researchers, and critical readers. We feel all students need to achieve these three goals before graduating high school.
b) to prepare you for college assignments. This essay foreshadows the kind of work you will be doing in college. We want you to feel well-prepared and strongly equipped to handle whatever they throw at you!
hey so Mr J. what exactly is the whole purpose of the research paper and book..i dont get it fully...(i get the we need a book to read and we have to do a paper) but whats the purpose?
Good question.
This paper has two main purposes:
a) to allow students to demonstrate that they have become quality thinkers, independent researchers, and critical readers. We feel all students need to achieve these three goals before graduating high school.
b) to prepare you for college assignments. This essay foreshadows the kind of work you will be doing in college. We want you to feel well-prepared and strongly equipped to handle whatever they throw at you!
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